It seems that Oskar likes DeVotchKa “How It Ends” a lot! It might be the gentle strings or the soothing vocals. But I secretly belives it’s because it’s the soundtrack to the Gears of War II trailer…
I like it to…
It seems that Oskar likes DeVotchKa “How It Ends” a lot! It might be the gentle strings or the soothing vocals. But I secretly belives it’s because it’s the soundtrack to the Gears of War II trailer…
I like it to…
…to realise what’s best for them.
Good for you America!
We’re back home, two of us left, three came back. There are pictures in the “Rumle” album from the first couple of hours at home.
pictures here
There’s always time to blog!
Still five minuttes apart and, aparently, not quite painfull enough :-s But Rumle is definitely on his/her way…
Whuhu! Pictures will follow!
EDIT: Pictures here!
I just realized that I’ve forgot to mention that I got my bike back a couple of weeks ago. I missed it to much and i decided that if I only ride a little it will be ok 🙂