Monthly Archives: July 2005


I’m not the only one with the opinion that it is allmost to hot, my server seems to think the same thing.
So I bought a fan, only to realize that there is no where to mount it in my cabinet. Now i’ve bought a dremel and I’m about to drill holes in my server… Four small ones and one really big one, wish me luck.

An update, the operation succeeded, I have drilled and cut and grinded my server and there are now several new holes in it.


Hm, not really sure what I want to write today, but I felt like updating my blog.
Been to Amager today, a small island east of Copenhagen, I went to see some SandArt (thats what they called it!)
Guess that’s it for today…I’ll drink my coffee and find my bed now. nightynight.

Home again

I’m home from one of the coolest experiences I have ever had!
Three weeks on a small island with 40 kids and 8 adults. All kinds of kids with all kinds of problems.
And now i need a vacation!