Monthly Archives: December 2005

On drinking…

Hangovers, why, ohh why is my body designed to punish me for having fun, that I do not understand!

My school held the annual christmasparty last night and I got stupendesly drunk! It was great fun, we started at “Esrum kloster” an old monastery in the northern part of Sealand, the food there is excellent and the beer is, in lack of a better word, perfect!

After several hours of eating and drinking we went back to our school and danced the night away 🙂

Some of us ended up at The Rock, a nightclub in Copenhagen and they had beer 🙂
It was a fun night and today I feel like something someone should kill with a stick…

Some of the words that spring to mind is:

Worn down


On a more personal note…

Life is a busy place.

I’m working my butt off at the moment and when I’m relaxing I’m just not in the mood to write something up for my blog, hence all the quotes.

But hopefully that will change soon. It is quite stressful living like this, I like my job and it is cool that every day is filled with weird and wonderful children and all their imaginative ways to behave. But it generates more than a lot of gray hairs 😉

It is almost Christmas, and as all kids, I’m looking forward to that, can’t wait to go out and buy presents for the people I care about 🙂

Merry Christmas

Thoughts of a dying atheist

in your whispers
trapped beneath my pillow
you won’t let me see
your memories

and I know you’re in this room
I’m sure I heard you sigh
frozen in between
where our worlds collide

scares the hell out of me
and the end is all I can see
and it scares the hell out of me
and the end is all I can see

and I know the moment’s near
and there’s nothing you can do
look for your faith inside
are you afraid to die?

it scares the hell out of me
and the end is all I can see
and it scares the hell out of me
and the end is all I can see