Monthly Archives: April 2010

New stuff, or not…

I’ve been doing some shooting again. I haven’t been for a long time, but I realized I missed it.

I started out on a .22lr automatic pistol and it was great fun. And I actually hit something 😉 I was quite proud of myself 😀 I’ll be shooting 9mm now and I’ve been invited to a contest in June. A bit scary to be doing that already, but here we go! I will be shooting with a borrowed 9mm Pardini, but I will have to get my own 9mm if I want to keep doing this I guess.


I’ve updated my wishlist, take a look and by me gifts. And then I moved and updated . It was living on my homeserver and that had potential to become a mess. I found a good home for it and upgraded it to wordpress (it was an old homebrew setup before). It is now possibel for someone other than me to maintain it…