Tonight is the night!
I’m finaly going to loose my virginity!
Well, it is actually bigger than that. Tonight is the night when I have got tickets for the sneak-premiere to Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy!!
Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted on the virginity-thing…
Author Archives: Magnus
I’m not the only one with the opinion that it is allmost to hot, my server seems to think the same thing.
So I bought a fan, only to realize that there is no where to mount it in my cabinet. Now i’ve bought a dremel and I’m about to drill holes in my server… Four small ones and one really big one, wish me luck.
An update, the operation succeeded, I have drilled and cut and grinded my server and there are now several new holes in it.
Just this small thing
Just wanted you to experiense My kind of coffee.
Hm, not really sure what I want to write today, but I felt like updating my blog.
Been to Amager today, a small island east of Copenhagen, I went to see some SandArt (thats what they called it!)
Guess that’s it for today…I’ll drink my coffee and find my bed now. nightynight.
Home again
I’m home from one of the coolest experiences I have ever had!
Three weeks on a small island with 40 kids and 8 adults. All kinds of kids with all kinds of problems.
And now i need a vacation!
Allmost now
Well, the kids left for their sommerbreak yesterday, when I look out the window today I see a beautiful blue sky and a high summersun.
My TV will be on the next 24 hours, it is Le Mans time again 🙂
More than an ordinary day
Exams today, physics/chemistry with my own kids and it was as one could expect.
Two flunked, the rest passed and that was more or less expected, so I can’t complain.
When I got home my new CD had arived, D:A:D – Scare yourself I’m listening to it now and it is cool, it is D:A:D the way I like them 🙂
Just another week
Teaching english this week, with bagpipemusic and howtos about sheep and knifes
(Don’t ask!)
Oh, and little devils.
If you think all this sounds a bit wierd, then your are absolutely right, but that’s children for you, a bit wierd.
I will try to get pictures of the bagpipestuff tomorrow, then you can see for yourself.
Og nu til noget helt andet!
Tænkte jeg ville prøve at skrive et indlæg her på dansk.
Jeg har haft mine unger oppe til eksamen idag, mine egne elever oppe i engelsk og det gik rigtig godt.
Deres karakterer var fordelt fra 6 til 11 og der var flere af dem der gjorde deres gamle engelsklærer rigtig stolt 🙂 . Det sidste lange stykke tid har som sagt handlet om eksamener, enten som censor eller med mine egne unger. Jeg kan ærligt sige at det bliver man sgu udmattet af. Jeg har en enkelt tilbage, på torsdag skal jeg have dem op i fysik/kemi og så er det slut for i år. Det bliver ikke så ringe. Derefter er det sommerferie, whuhuu :-D.
Eller, dvs, så skal jeg på koloni med Københavns lærerforening, tre uger på en øde ø med 50 unger, det skal nok blive skægt!
Not mine though, the kids, and lots of them, exams that is, not kids. There are quite a lot kids as well by the way…
I have been out as a censor at a physics exam today, the grades was between 6 and 11 so it has been a rather good day 🙂